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Where is web design heading in 2020? 7 UX Trends to watch out for.

Web Design

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2020 is teeming with new and exciting opportunities for UX designers. As UX designers strive to deliver the best user experience possible let’s see the trends which will be the most visible in 2020.

What is User Experience (UX) Design?

In the past ten years, the internet has changed our lives in a lot of different ways. We have seen the realm of some new technologies in all the tech industries including web and mobile app design as well. UX design will play a major role in this transformation.

A person's emotions and attitudes about using a particular product, system or service. It includes the practical, experiential, effective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human-computer interaction and product ownership. Additionally, it includes a person's perceptions of the system aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency.

UX has a significant impact on the success and failure of an organisation. To simplify, UX is a multidisciplinary subject, such as user research, information architecture, visual design, usability, branding, and function, human behaviour.

UX designers strive to create the best user experience for users. Whether it’s a web app, mobile application or any other products, if you're unable to deliver a valuable user experience to your users you might end up losing all your customers soon.

A product is all about a service that we experience through a system. In this revolutionised time we are using our devices including mobile phones to interact with the technologies. For example, book rides, watch movies, listen to music, compared with products with prices, follow recent events and last but not least as we use various social media for several purposes like entertainment, communication, etc.

UX Design Trends Predictions For 2020

The behaviours and needs of the customers are changing constantly. With the changes in human behaviour, usage in tech devices and demands for interactive and engaging user experiences have increased. For UX professionals, it has become mandatory to stay up to date with the trends and new design requirements. So, let's talk about some new designing trends that we can expect to see in 2020.

Cross-platform Synchronisation

Today we have different types of devices to use in daily lifestyle. Whether it's a desktop, laptop, smartphone or watch the user demands dynamic capabilities across all devices. As we constantly find new avenues to interact with technology to solve everyday problems, people are demanding a unified user experience across all platforms.

Uber is the best example to take into consideration, as it has fully implemented an independent hardware approach. If you have used Uber, you might know that you can start the trip with voice command and end it with the help of its mobile application or a smartwatch. So, a single continuous operation can be performed on different platforms without interruptions.

Minimalism and White Space

Having an uncluttered design means offering clarity and ease of usability to people. In general, a minimalist design refers to the extensive use of white space. This means there are fewer elements to distract attention from the visual hierarchy. To put it simply expect limited colour palettes with focused content and minimal distractions.

White space gives websites the simple, clean, minimalist look & feel that is so desirable in current design aesthetics. It also allows content to be more digestible and accessible to the user. White space is the modern designer’s response to over-crowded websites.

Compelling Storytelling

Businesses today are required to tell their stories in a digital experience with a valuable user journey. UX is incomplete without content. Take into consideration that you are offering relevant and accessible content to your target audience. Aim to hit the appropriate content and the right technology to offer the most relevant user experience possible.In 2020 expect Storytelling to be a big part of how websites guide you through its pages or how mobile apps simplify functionality with easily understandable copy writing.

See also: Getting your website designed in Dubai?Here's a guide to website design price in Dubai.

3D Models

Web development platforms are introducing new tools and frameworks for 3D modeling and rendering. While it’s not like 3D modeling for sites was unavailable earlier, it used to be highly expensive and out of reach for most designers. With the updated technology, the costs for 3D modeling and rendering will drop significantly, also there are available several tools to create 3D comparatively easy than software we had before. Even people with no special 3D training would be able to create such designs in 2020.

Voice User Interface and AI technology

Technologies are created to simplify humans living. UX has a major role in this process to connect humans with technology. In recent years, the use of AI has been gradually increasing in the web design and development space. Artificial intelligence is commonly used in smartphones as a voice assistant and for face unlocking, beautifying, and smart shooting. Following the trend, it seems like, voice and vision functionality will have more advancement in the way it has shifted from GUI to VUI. According to research, 41% of US adults already use voice commands on a daily basis, which can exceed 50% in 2020.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Based on our lifestyle, there are several applications that are used by consumers to fulfil their daily needs from the convenience of their homes. To meet these multiplying demands AR and VR will add more advancements to make life more convenient and easier as per end-users’ needs.

Animations or Micro-Interaction

Some micro-interactions or animations can take over the UI design in 2020. Micro-interactions are generally small design elements, but they can make a huge impact on your UI design by creating human emotions that provide satisfaction to the audience while completing their tasks.

Animations are already used in 2019, but 2020 will be the year you will find new and exciting use cases of animations on websites and apps, such as animated logos, illustrations, and texts. Micro-interactions usually tell a story about the task. The best animations are the ones that are designed for keeping user intent and interest in mind. They should short and quick so that users don’t have to wait longer to take action.


Design trends change every year and many more trends will make 2020 more exciting year and progressive in more aspects than one. But keep up with every trend that comes to the market we need to understand and analyze the needs of the users and the business as well that project we're working on. The new coming technologies can be more useful with these design enhancements and improvements as a revolution of how it will attract new users. What every designer needs to do is keep honing their skills. Take a look at our friends who are providing design training in Noida while you're at it. Now that in a nutshell, wraps up our highlight of the UX and web design trends that are going to reign in 2020.

Note: This article was originally written by Muhammed Imran and edited by Kazi Hassan.

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Where is web design heading in 2020? 7 UX Trends to watch out for.

2020 is teeming with new and exciting opportunities for UX designers. As UX designers strive to deliver the best user experience possible let’s see the trends which will be the most visible in 2020.

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